This is Easy | Teen Ink

This is Easy

May 22, 2015
By Anonymous

I bite my lip, trying to get a grip
I push the words back in and put on a grin
I pull down my long sleeves, wishing he would eave
I can’t let him in, I can’t let him see
What this world has done to me

I play pretend, finally knowing how to blend in
As I fade into the background, I find it’s easier to backdown
When these demons scream so loud and no one is ever proud
I let my head sink down, drowning in my hidden frown
No one can see, no one can know me,
This is easy…

The author's comments:

As teenagers, we learn to bottle up our feelings and act entirely different around others when we secretly cry in our rooms. That is basically what this poem is about. Finding it's easier to hide from the world that to show everyone how empty you are.

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