A Certain Death | Teen Ink

A Certain Death

May 13, 2015
By georgiapanic99 BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
georgiapanic99 BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

If you want to drown me in darkness why don't you go ahead
You know I'm close with death and no stranger to bloodshed
If you want to prove that I'm mortal just let me die
You've seen the tortured and heard all the anger of the sky.

When the thunder crashed down and pinned beneath the sea
I breathed in my blood and accepted my fate as my reality
And when the lightning set me on fire and threw me down
I lay broken and still on the burnt and ghostly ground.

Oh why don't you take me now
Oh my, my soul's so cold
Oh, tell the devil to come for me
Oh my, my heart's nothin' but stone.

If you want me to go why don't you come and say it
You know I'd welcome the grave and I'd love to die, well...
If you want me to prove that I'm broken just love me now
And you'll see my heart's been ripped out and I don't know how

To love with a  heart of stone
To love with a soul of ice
To love with a mind of steel
To hate with the power of death.

The author's comments:

I suppose that the loss of one of my best friends inspired this piece. At the time, I was feeling quite depressed and could feel no emotions but negative ones. It was quite a dark time, as you can tell from this song. I hope that people will realize that even in our darkest times, there is still hope and not everything is lost. Sometimes when we have been beaten down, we have to learn to live and love again.

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