My Pain | Teen Ink

My Pain

May 13, 2015
By Chene6245 BRONZE, Petersburg, Nebraska
Chene6245 BRONZE, Petersburg, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life isn't about finding yourself, life is about creating yourself

Remembering the time of hatred
Hoping it would go away
But when I look into your devilish eyes
I just want to say
I'm just another human being.

I scream at the pain that was dealt towards me,
I feel like I don't deserve to be alive,
You say I'm unworthy, incompetent, and soulless,
You say I don't belong,
But I'm just another human being.

Wishing that the pain would subside
Wanting to run and hide
Knowing that it is impossible to make it stop,
Being punished for the things I've done,
I'm just another human being

Screaming as I am dealt pain,
Feeling like I don't deserve love and compassion,
Called unworthy, incompetent, and soulless,
Can't belong, won't belong, will never belong,
I'm just another human being.

Abuse is an ongoing, worldwide fault,
But together, we can stop the assault.

Hiding behind falsified expressions,
Putting up a wall,
We all have one thing in common,
That we all just want to bawl,
Let's turn away from the pain, and make one last call.

The author's comments:

When I was forming this work, I believed that I was down in the dumps. But as I finished these song lyrics, I actually felt a whole lot better.

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