Dear Thomas | Teen Ink

Dear Thomas

April 23, 2015
By Annedii BRONZE, Nagcarlan, Laguna, Other
Annedii BRONZE, Nagcarlan, Laguna, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Que sera, sera. :)

I. I’ve been up all night, watching the stars to fall.
As I make my wish I didn’t see them anymore.
Then I found myself, being carried away.
I looked around and saw, different yesterdays.


II. I stopped to where, I’m walking down the site.
I retrace the air, of summer on my mind.
And as I sign they told me what to do.
I followed the leaves and they lead me out to you.


Dear Thomas, I hope you think of me.
I’m out here, in tears as I reminisce.
Cause every time, I remember the view.
I find it hard, cause I’am missing you.


III. I felt out of place, at first and all alone.
But as you smiled at me, I knew that I’m already home.
It all started with hellos, under the citrus trees.
I can still recall everything, even the videos we did.


We’re so far now and distant, yet so close at heart.
I can’t wish anything, but to go back to start.
To that endless, almost perfect moment, underneath the moon.
Promise me this thing: that we’re going to meet again soon.

The author's comments:

Thomas is not a person. It is actually the name of my group in a summer camp, and i made this for them and simply because i missed them.

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