Psychotic Breeding | Teen Ink

Psychotic Breeding

April 9, 2015
By iamthereallazlo BRONZE, McCalla, Alabama
iamthereallazlo BRONZE, McCalla, Alabama
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Your narcissism is the reason I have so much hate,
It’s built up like idols on a pedestal of rage
But oh, god forbid that I question your authority
Then again I always saw god as just another story

I work my fingers down to the bone
In a false attempt to make me feel at home
You blame the victim with all your insecurities,
But a father should allow his child to beat their own impurities

You once said things were only black and white,
But I see color in every “bad-man’s” plight
I spit these words like venom, in the hope that you’ll listen,
But deep down inside, I know you’ll dismiss this

You have a one-track mind that’s beginning to break
Like the broken heart you gave me behind all this pain
So daddy, I’ll tell you my deepest secrets
I’ll paint on a smile and pretend that you’ll keep them

I’ll spend all my time upholding your reputation,
While I bow down and worship you for all you’ve forsaken
Oh but dad’s not as good as he seems,
Through the eyes of the others who don’t know what it means,
To be persecuted for their individual beliefs
And hell, keep denying me my freedom of speech,
In a world where I don’t have a bit of relief

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