A Story | Teen Ink

A Story

March 30, 2015
By Gayar BRONZE, Cerritos, California
Gayar BRONZE, Cerritos, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The things we think we’re missing when we are alone with our thoughts.
Staring at the ceiling wondering, “How did it get this lost?”
Everything used to be so good between us, when did it all start going so wrong?
When did you, I, we start losing our minds.
It’s you that makes me so clear
Now I’m just staring at the sky.
Thinking as time goes on, we will grow more and more distant.
I will still crave your skin against mine.
I will still crave the smell of your hair.
I will still crave that look of love I once saw in your shiny brown eyes.
All I wanted was that feeling of love to dissapear in.
But I’m just going to have to keep these thoughts in the back of my mind.

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