Had I Seen | Teen Ink

Had I Seen

March 8, 2015
By annerosspender BRONZE, Raleigh, North Carolina
annerosspender BRONZE, Raleigh, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Had I seen her eyes that day

Where instead of green there was a grey 

A grey that took her hope away

A grey that left her far astray.


Had I known her thoughts that day

As she would laugh and joke and play

She'd give a smile without delay

Although she did not feel okay.


Had I heard the words that day

That others uttered in relay

The insults that they'd always say

Would at last make their display.


Had I felt her pain that day.

That broke her wrists with a bright ray

And left her only with decay

A tender spirit turned to clay.

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