Ships | Teen Ink


March 1, 2015
By Eashmoore BRONZE, Covington, Louisiana
Eashmoore BRONZE, Covington, Louisiana
1 article 2 photos 0 comments

I am a ship in the sea
Sailing head on in calm water
I am going where I want to be
I will not falter

Storms lie ahead
Sharks swim beneath
Only reason I’m not dead
Is the floor under my feet

The waves shake, the birds fly
The wind will knock me down
The water will begin to rise
But the morning sun won’t drown

I don’t know if I’ll get there
The storms are lethal
But I’m heading god knows where
I will defeat this evil

I am a ship in the sea
Sailing head on in shaky waters
But I’m going where I want to be
And I will not falter

The author's comments:

 A poem about my journey with mental illness. I'm back and forth between calm water and nasty storms, but I'm still heading towards recovery. 

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