The Strength Of Us All | Teen Ink

The Strength Of Us All

February 26, 2015
By JaredPaquette BRONZE, Richford, Vermont
JaredPaquette BRONZE, Richford, Vermont
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What has happened to me
Just one mistake and im
Running Away To find the
Truth about this
Disease that has consumed me
The so Called Remedy
Has Failed me
Another day has been wasted
Why not ask the question
Will I ever be the same
Save me the pity and the shame

You've tried to save me
You've tried to give me
   The courage to fight though this
   I know that this wont work now
On -nn
on a path to glory
Theres only one way of knowing

In a world with so much sickness
That uses evil to satisfy
Why when you know
This Deathtrap awaits
Politicians controlling
your whole entire life and soul
This world may never know
The Strength of Us all

People now realized
The power Of a figure
That can take everything away
Stealing and giving
To feed their ultimate plan
The source of all evil
sits on a Throne well known by people
Greedy and Selfish is their plan
A Non Forgotten Agenda

They have tried to keep this secret
Letting us seek the light and sight
I have found the key to my survival
letting it Consume my body
I'm about to break out and run away
Theres only one way of knowing

In a world with so much sickness
That uses evil to satisfy
Why when you know
This Deathtrap awaits
Politicians controlling
your whole entire life and soul
This world may never know
The Strength of Us all

[Guitar Solo]

The Strength of Us all

In a world with so much sickness
That uses evil to satisfy
Why when you know
This Deathtrap awaits
Politicians controlling
your whole entire life and soul
This world may never know
The Strength of Us all

The Strength of [x3]
The Strength of Us all
The Strength of [x3]
The Strength of Us all [x2]

The author's comments:

The way I came up with these lyrics I listened to a beat of one of my favorite songs at the time, and just replaced the lyrics. 

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