$3.99 Bagels | Teen Ink

$3.99 Bagels

February 26, 2015
By Courtney Beckstead BRONZE, Waverly, Nebraska
Courtney Beckstead BRONZE, Waverly, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I think I’m a little addicted to ads
I think that’s bad
but today I was sitting and staring at the paper trying to resist

But I ended up grabbing it anyway
and as I turned the pages
I came across… $3.99 bagels

I quickly grabbed some pants and keys
and got in the car and zoomed to the store

But as I was trying to put on my pants
while going to the store
I crashed into a light pole

So I got out and ran and ran and ran pantless
until I finally arrived
I was like
OH MY $3.99 BAGELS!!!! $3.99 BAGELS!! $3.99 BAGELS!!!

The author's comments:

Well, its about someone who is adcited to adds and really wanted bagels for $3.99. This was just something i did to be funny as a class project, its by far my best work.

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