Hes like an emotional punching bag | Teen Ink

Hes like an emotional punching bag

February 19, 2015
By lillex0210 BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
lillex0210 BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hes like an emotional punching bag.
By the end of the day he thinks lifes a drag.
Getting high to stop the feelings,
but it never does any healing.

Hes slashing his veins
To get rid of the pain
but all that happens is the bleeding.
Instead of crying it all out
He lets the thoughts in his head just shout.

Putting on a mask.
So he doesn’t have to grasp
that he is sad and alone.
His heart slowly turning into stone.

Instead of letting everyone else struggle,
He rather just juggle.
The problems of many
making his chest so heavy.
Realizing that it all is sort of scary.

Helping others so they no longer hurt,
but having no one to help him out of the dirt.
Hes like a child in quicksand
without that helping hand.

Sinking in the emotions
its like he’s drowning in the ocean.
It looks as if he handles things calmly
but inside its like hes a zombie.

Hes like an emotional punching bag
only this time he’s waving the little white flag.
Using a kitchen knife
to end his lonely life.

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