Like a Song | Teen Ink

Like a Song

February 13, 2015
By carltonfan31 BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
carltonfan31 BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&ldquo;My dear,<br /> Find what you love and let it kill you.<br /> Let it drain you of your all. Let it cling onto your back and weigh you down into eventual nothingness.<br /> Let it kill you and let it devour your remains.<br /> For all things will kill you, both slowly and fastly, but it&rsquo;s much better to be killed by a lover.

Capture the feeling in the air

Don't let it slip through fingers that are underprepared

I give myself the liberty to stop and stare

Cause it's only moments like these I really care


Cause I love you like summer turns to fall

I love you like a cloudy ocean day brings down my walls

I love you like an endless song that brings out the night

I love you like a song


Capture the feeling, put it into words

Maybe then add some chords

But I know this is so much more

Cause you've stripped me down to my core


Cause I love you like summer turns to fall
I love you like a cloudy ocean day brings down my walls
I love you like an endless song that brings out the night
I love you like a song


When you come running, when you come running, when you come running

When you come running

I'll be listening, I'll be listening, I'll be listening, I'll be listening,

I'll be whispering

Can you hear me? Nice and 



Cause I love you like summer turns to fall
I love you like a cloudy ocean day brings down my walls
I love you like an endless song that brings out the night
I love you like a song


Somebody told me the fever breaks when it's too much to take

So why didn't it break several years ago?

Maybe I'll find someone just like you but we both know that's me

I fell in love with the mirror image of myself 

How much more fitting can that be?


Cause I love you like summer turns to fall
I love you like a cloudy ocean day brings down my walls
I love you like an endless song that brings out the night
I love you like a song

The author's comments:

This is a song I wrote about what it means to genuinley love someone, which I think is pretty rare. It's not happy all the time and in fact can lead to some of the worst moments of your life, but it also gives you the best. 

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