Bully | Teen Ink


January 24, 2015
By Anonymous

Yo, Bullying isn't cool

At home or at school

Don't try to impress your friends

Because well when the day ends

It's that innocent kid that goes home and cries

Wishing that he won't wake up

and he dies

Takes a few tokes hopin to choke

All because people are telling lies

And bullys are stealing his money and french fries

He is small, and his bully is tall
His bully is big, and the kid is a twig
Pulling someone else down will never
Help you reach the top
Just stop
It all starts with one word you blurt
Don't you know your words can hurt
Everyday they wake up with regret
All they want to do is stop and forget
It's not just the hitting and punching, it's the words you say,
they hurt so much, they wanna fade away

The author's comments:

This is about bullying. I wrote this because unfortunately I was the victim of bullying. Every word in this is a true description of what I went through and how I felt. 

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