Road To Freedom | Teen Ink

Road To Freedom

January 5, 2015
By syedahmad7 BRONZE, Cheswick, Pennsylvania
syedahmad7 BRONZE, Cheswick, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

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1776 Philadelphia
Born and raised
On a congress, freedom spent most of its days.
Jefferson hard working, he was so cool
Adams and Franklin too, all working outside of school
Declared and done, the Brits were up to no good
Started making trouble where America stood
Lexington was heard, and people got scared
Thats when the Brits started to care

Washington in charge, fights day after day
Quebec sends Arnold on his way
“Common Sense” made, now this was the ticket
Got patriots together, to the Brits they said “kick it”

Valley Forge soldiers, dirty, all that
Then came Von Stueben, he's a cool cat
Place was clean and tidy when he got there
Turned men into a armies, and that was rare

Ended in Yorktown, 1781
We surrounded the Brits, they had no where to run
Washington looked at his kingdom
He had to give creds
to sit on the throne as the first American prez.

The author's comments:

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the manber said...
on Jul. 23 2015 at 4:37 pm
beautifully written!