Filters | Teen Ink


November 4, 2014
By mnrose BRONZE, Raleigh, North Carolina
mnrose BRONZE, Raleigh, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If you came
over tonight
we’d probably
love in transgression.
And turn the lights low enough
to convince ourselves
it didn't happen in the morning.
I’ll cover myself in clothing and filters
and pretend I didn't watch you as the sun kissed the

I’ll know in my heart that there’s no one
else and be done
with it. just leave it
But tonight
if you came over tonight
i’d give you every reason to keep me in
And im shaking, thats surely a sign
in the fear of being forgotten.
But if you came over tonight
i’d put my thoughts away for a while.

And if you came
over tonight.
Promise you'll look in my eyes like im something new
and ill forget everything you put me through.
Until the birth of a new day
when I force upon the sting of wanting
and wishing for everything.
So you finally understand.
I’ll fix my eyes on my feet as you
prove exactly what I knew I knew.
We always end up right where we began.
But i told myself im done with the fear that holds my
lips shut, thinking if im easy you'll fall easily
in love. But tonight
if you came over tonight.
I’d walk you right through
all the broken glass and fire between
us two.
And if we are lucky enough to make it to tonight
You could come over tonight
and see this for what it is
for a while my fears of being forgotten, falling in love for the first time.

The author's comments:

When you love someone but you don't want to anymore.

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