The Unbreakable One | Teen Ink

The Unbreakable One

November 6, 2014
By mccr8 BRONZE, Smithfield, Rhode Island
mccr8 BRONZE, Smithfield, Rhode Island
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

strong like a soldier   she shows a brave face      not trying to win     the who-has-more-race     she doesn't want money    or earrings or boys     the one thing she wants      doesn't come from these toys     she just wants to be happy     that's all she requests     her life's a pair of Crocs    mediocre at best     she's lost more than many     and gets much less back     if she's not happy soon     I'm afraid she may crack    but I know that she'll get there     i know she'll get through     I'm there to support her      if only she knew

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