The Drums Beat On | Teen Ink

The Drums Beat On

November 6, 2014
By FrostyJaeger BRONZE, Woonsocket, Rhode Island
FrostyJaeger BRONZE, Woonsocket, Rhode Island
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Tip Tap the beating of the drums,
The sound of the enemy comes

Tip Tap the beating of the drums,
My heart has been pounding since the morning sun.

Tip Tap the beating of the drums,
As the enemy approaches I begin to go numb.

Tip Tap the beating of the drums,
The colonel flaps his fiery feeble flubbery gums. 

Tip Tap the beating of the drums,
I hear the clicking of the angry guns.

Pow, Boom, Zang, Zip,
I see my brothers in arms get hit.

Clang, Rang, Zap, Zow,
The sweat drips from my brow.

Rap, Whap, Ding, Pang
The raven begins to sing.

Tip… Tap the beat of the drums,
I feel the pain of my bloody gums.

I writhe and quiver; I shriek and I shout.
But they don’t know I won’t back out.

I have to win,
Or they’ll kill me.
Sorry but I have to go bleed.

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