Not in my control | Teen Ink

Not in my control

October 11, 2014
By LunaDirewolf BRONZE, Southall, Other
LunaDirewolf BRONZE, Southall, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never be certain of anything; it's a sign of weakness." - Tom Baker, Doctor Who, The Face of Evil

A looming star in the night

A sparkle waiting to ignite 

A smile just waiting to happen

Havent seen it in a while


We havent seen you laugh in a while

Things have turned for the worse and I miss you

The way you used to be, the way I used to see you

I still wish I was there


Because things change and we cant postpone the future

It's just not in my control

But we learn to ride the waves forever together

All I'll be right by your side

Through thick or thin, lose or win

Through rain or snow, you choose

But things just change and we cant postpone the future

Its just not in my control


You are the brightest spark I know

But one day you chose to say no

We still dont know if that was a mistake

We're still waiting, to see if we'll pay


You used to giggle and smile

Something we havent seen in a while

I miss the way we used to be, when everything seemed as simple as could be


Because things change and we cant postpone the future

It's just not in my control

But we learn to ride the waves forever together

All I'll be right by your side

Through thick or thin, lose or win

Through rain or snow, you choose

But things just change and we cant postpone the future

Its just not in my control


I miss everything about you

The smile, the laughs, the jokes and the cries

Yet I still wouldnt change a single thing

Because you, are mine

I miss the way we used to sleep

Happily, without having to count sheep

And every single day I weep, imagining what could be


Because things change and we cant postpone the future

It's just not in my control

But we learn to ride the waves forever together

All I'll be right by your side

Through thick or thin, lose or win

Through rain or snow, you choose

But things just change and we cant postpone the future

Its just not in my control

But things just change and we cant postpone the future

Its just not in my control

The author's comments:

I was inspired by a relationship I had to write this. We cared so much about each other, but when he suffered from depression, a lot changed and I and our friends gave him space to allow him to cope, while at the same time supporting him. He's getting there, but I dont know if our relationship would ever be the same, which is why I wrote this song. 

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