What is life? | Teen Ink

What is life?

September 23, 2014
By aG_aG BRONZE, Brampton, California
aG_aG BRONZE, Brampton, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Life is a book,
but the story is untold.
Every page is a mystery,
that you have to unfold.

Life is a journey,
that goes on and on.
Where the road ends,
we don’t know at all.

What is life,
we all wonder.
That's a question,
that strikes us like thunder.

Life is a play,
you got to act.
The world is the stage,
and you are the actor.

Life is a camera,
focus on whats important.
Capture each moment,
and develop the negatives.

What is life,
we all wonder.
That's a question,
that strikes us like thunder.

Life is a test,
you have to pass it.
Don't copy others,
or you might fail it.

Life is a blank canvas,
you got to paint it.
Not black and white,
but with the colours of emotion.

What is life,
we all wonder.
That's a question,
that strikes us like thunder.

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