Just a game we played | Teen Ink

Just a game we played

September 20, 2014
By WhateverItTakes BRONZE, Utrecht, Other
WhateverItTakes BRONZE, Utrecht, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

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Whatever goes around, comes around.

As you kept pushing me away

My heart broke in millions of pieces 
Scattered all around the floor
We were running out of time

The only thing I wanted to know is why?
How did our love die?
It felt like you were an angle sent for me
I guess, you were just what I wanted to see

I wanted to run, I wanted to hide
But you kept me by your side
My heart turned into stone
For forever I felt alone
Oh, the lovely memories we made
In the end it turned out be just a game we played

How could you leave me like this
Without you there was no one to hold onto
When you told me I no longer belonged in your heart
My world fell apart

There isn’t anything left of what we once were
So many questions
So much to say
For eternities I used to cry
Now all I have left to say is goodbye

I wanted to run, I wanted to hide
But you kept me by your side
My heart turned into stone
For forever I felt alone
Oh, these lovely memories we made
In the end it turned out be just a game we played

Such a long and lonely walk
Nothing to return to now
If only I had opened  my eyes
Instead of believing all of your lies

I wanted to run, I wanted to hide
But you kept me by your side
My heart turned into stone
For forever I felt alone
Oh, the lovely memories we made
In the end it turned out be just a game we played

Even though our love might not have been true
I would still search the world for you
My heart will never heal
No matter what it will feel

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