The words on the margin of my class work | Teen Ink

The words on the margin of my class work

August 28, 2014
By Ziggy109 BRONZE, Maysville, Kentucky
Ziggy109 BRONZE, Maysville, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;The&quot;<br /> -Paul McCartney

Class is Rupturing the cesspool that is my mind/

bringing raptures to my noggin like the Gestapo in time/

im betting my editing is sub par/

cause I'm still treading in Fs feeling like feathers and tar/

jamming jester like jokes like a clown car with energy/

my peers are in line to critize looking like a human centapede/

in the back wearing my jeans with a crease/

fading into nonexsistance to avoid being the centerpiece/

all you need is love/

but observe the world like it's your enemy/

live life in joy/ 

But without psuedo idols or entities/

theses childish students really get to me/

foul mouths are begging for listerine/

My simplicity mentally compensates for the missing piece/

 In other words 

find an audience that can't read to make history/  


The author's comments:

A collection of notes from the side of my school work. Put together Ina few minutes.

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