You Are Perfect | Teen Ink

You Are Perfect

July 28, 2014
By Anonymous

The loss of a life
The fear with a knife
Know you're not useless
Know you're not worthless
Don't harm yourself no more
Forget about the pain from before
Know you're not mud
Know you're loved
Dear you don't need to be afraid
Dear try to not be fazed
When someone insults you
When someone hurts you
When someone wants to bring you down
Put the opposite of a frown
And tell them they are just jealous of who you are
Don't forget you're the star
You are Perfect
You are Perfect
Give the world a smile
Show those small gleams
Make it worthwhile
You'll bring them down with your simple beams
You redeemed
I don't
Hate my self
Know you're not stupid
Know you're not twisted
You are beautiful
Yourself to sleep
With happy dreams of living
Don't think of leaving
I want you here
I love you Dear
Don't think of throwing your life away
At least give it another day!
Don't cut
Try not
Please love yourself like I love you
I'm not lying what I'm saying is true!
Please know
Don't try to go
Don't think you're useless
Don't think you're worthless
You're just different
I'm hinting it
You are Perfect

The author's comments:
... I wrote this because I have depression and I realized there was a friend of mine cutting. I wanted her to know that she didn't have to cut in order to let her depression out. I want her to know that I'm there for her if she needs to talk. And if anyone is going through this too...Know that people love you...

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