Decided | Teen Ink


July 15, 2014
By ..E.. GOLD, Marietta, Georgia
..E.. GOLD, Marietta, Georgia
19 articles 0 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
"everything you do is insignificant, but it is important that you do them"

I’ve decided
I deserve better
Better than this

Saying I do not deserve the best?
Where I hear from him first thing in the morning,
He makes sure he sends a goodnight kiss through the wind,
Where “I love you” makes him fight for us even harder
Are you saying I don’t deserve this?

No ‘cause what you’re saying is that
I deserve the guy-
Who tells me what he’s feeling but his actions don’t correspond,
Never calls back for months at a time when he just sitting around,
But answers when his other girls call
-Stay talking for hours not thinking of me at all.

I’ve decided
I deserve better
Better than this

Thinking you were the best?
We’re at the same party, but you’re waffling with her;
And you got her against the wall saying she means something more to you.
Surprised when I call you out saying you were just dancing around.
And in reality you were thinking about me all night.
Are you saying I deserve that?

Yes ‘cause what you’re saying is that
I deserve the guy
Who only treats me right on the side,
And in front of our parents so they think he is the perfect guy.
But reality, I’m dying inside.
You don’t look out for me;
You’re too far up your behind.
You don’t see me crying.
On the sidelines, you see all the cheerleaders pulling at your skirt,
Not seeing the cheerleader who cheered you on when you were not in sports
-And even when you are hurt.

I’ve decided
-I deserve better
Better than this
That I-
Deserve the best
You, I detest-
;Can’t believe that I let you treat me like this.

You think you were the best
Saying I’ll never find a better man
It’s funny that you call yourself a man
‘Cause a real man can handle the one he loves,
-And wants to give her the entire world.
But what you’ve done is cold,
And I’m tired of wearing this coat.

That’s why I’ve decided
That I deserve better
I’ve decided-
I deserve better than this.

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