Somewhere Over the Rainbow | Teen Ink

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

July 11, 2014
By Amber_Young SILVER, Atlanta, Georgia
Amber_Young SILVER, Atlanta, Georgia
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you ever feel as useless as a white crayon, then you need to find someone who likes black paper, my friend.

I want to go somewhere over the rainbow
Where beauty is everywhere, and not a single tornadoe
Perhaps a place with color, unlike the farm where I live
With Uncle Henry and Aunty Em, who have so much love to give
Somewhere, I’ll find a yellow brick road
That’ll guide me to my new pot of gold
And I’ll go to my new home
Where Todo and I can freely roam
I could achieve any of my dreams
And there will always be sunlight beams
In this new home, where my heart will glow
Somewhere over the rainbow

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