So Done | Teen Ink

So Done

June 13, 2014
By Arianne Vander Vegt BRONZE, Juneau, Alaska
Arianne Vander Vegt BRONZE, Juneau, Alaska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You turned on me
The classic b**** move we've all seen
You spent so much time trying to win me over
Just to turn me over
Painful impact is your legacy
Spite your specialty
Because I've found it to be true
No more trusting you
You're loyalty is lighter than a feather
So whatever

I'm so done with all the things
That you've been saying about me
Trust is a word that is supposed to be respected
But you decided to disrespect it
And ended up rejecting me
How can you be so happy
I guess it just astounds me
That you never cared about me
I guess we decided it together
You and me
Are history

I thought that I was smart
But I guess that you are smarter
Because to trust you was stupider
Than throwing rocks at a bear
Your ratting me out hurt more than
The bite from the dog next door
I can't believe I ever thought
That you were trustworthy
Huh, stupid me

From today you're on a tether
Far away from the real me
It hurts too much to let you
Know what is going on inside of me
I'm making a smart decision
The first one being an incision
Between you and me
Because apparently
I care more than you do
About me

I'm so done with all the things
That you've been saying about me
Trust is a word that is supposed to be respected
But you decided to disrespect it
And ended up rejecting me
How can you be so happy
I guess it just astounds me
That you never cared about me
I guess we decided it together
You and me
Are History

The author's comments:
Some girls I thought were true friends turned into backstabbing b****** and showed me that no matter where you are, teenage girls, will always be teenage girls.

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