No Place For Her | Teen Ink

No Place For Her

June 18, 2014
By Lizmarie000525 BRONZE, Cross Creek, Pennsylvania
Lizmarie000525 BRONZE, Cross Creek, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game" - Babe Ruth

She goes from place to place
Never slowing down
She lost her purpose the day he left
She cried to men
But never trusted again
Then one day she was ready to try life again
She packed her bags
And she was gone
Decided it was her time to move on
What is left for her
There is not much to stay for
She never stays anywhere for long
She never found the place that she belongs
She met a guy one night
Thought he could fill the hole in her life
Little did she know that he would do anything to fight
She covered the bruises
Until that night
She wished he never saw that knife
Nobody was sure how she survived
She packed her bags
And she was gone
Decided it was her time to move on
What is left for her
There is not much to stay for
She never stays anywhere for long
She never found the place that she belongs
There is nowhere
No there is no place that she will ever belong

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