Killing Demons | Teen Ink

Killing Demons

June 5, 2014
By coli66 BRONZE, Port Matilda, Pennsylvania
coli66 BRONZE, Port Matilda, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't be unhappy with your life if there's something you can do about it

You were the flame, now there is only a spark
You were the forest, now there is only the trees
You held my hand and kept me warm
You danced with me in the midnight sun
But the devil crawled inside your ears
He hates you for your happiness

But I will save you, I will comfort you, I will love you
I will protect you from the demon that lives with you
The demon that kills you, he destroys your soul
He blew out the candle in the window, he turned out the light in you
And you’re so scared and you’re in the dark
I will save you, and I will find you again

Now you call it a mistake and you leave me alone
I still take your calls every now and then
But I usually end up getting hurt again
Your best friend is worried sick, I’m a mess
And your mother’s heartbroken and so alone
You don’t know what to think or what to do
You shun us out to numb the pain
That doesn’t kill the devil
That doesn’t kill the demons

But I will save you, I will comfort you, I will love you
I will protect you from the demon that lives with you
The demon that kills you, he destroys your soul
He blew out the candle in the window, he turned out the light in you
And you’re so scared and you’re in the dark
I will save you, and I will find you again

And the devil killed all we had
baseball fields and autumn hikes
We laughed at those who gave us up
We spoke too soon and grew too fast
Your weakness is the devil’s strength
I’m the one who paid the price for both our sins
You gave up faith, you gave up love
because the devil told you to
Because your father told you to

And I still feel it when you think about me
And if you hear or see these words, the door is always open
You haven’t changed, you know who you are
Please stand up to the devil in you\

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