Forgoten | Teen Ink


May 22, 2014
By RoxasStar SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
RoxasStar SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Our names won't be remembered, if we die like trampled flowers. I refuse to be forgotten, written off as less than worthless. Scream and cry but none will hear you, plead and cry but none will help you. You hear the sound of the death rattle, so will you join and fight the battle. There are things that live off our fears. And the words are like knives as they play with our lives. They will try to control you as if they own you. Will you let them steal your freedom? Channel the anger thats swelling inside you. Fighting the boundary till you break through. Deep in your soul there's no hesitation. So make your self the one they all fear. There is a wild fire inside you. A burning desire you can't extinguish. Your crimson arrow rips through the twilight.

The author's comments:
This was inspired by an anime called attack on titans

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