My To-Do List | Teen Ink

My To-Do List

May 19, 2014
By Chino231996 BRONZE, Spokane, Washington
Chino231996 BRONZE, Spokane, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

First on my to-do list,
A hedgehog I need to get,
So she can cuddle with him or her,
And any sadness she has, she’ll forget

Second on my to-do list,
Harry Potter world we’ll visit.
We’ll get new wands; we’ll drink Butter Beer,
Maybe catch a Golden Snidget

Third on my to-do list,
Sounds of new vinyl she’ll hear,
Such as Edward Sharpe, or a new Beatles album
So her worries will disappear

Fourth on my to-do list,
A song I’ll write for her.
That song will be a platinum record,
Because that’s what she deserves

Fifth on my to-do list,
On my catalogue of quests and such,
Is by far the most important item:
Tell her I love her, very much

The author's comments:
All of the things on this list I promised to do for my friend, and I intend to do all of these things as soon as I possibly can.

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