Memories | Teen Ink


May 8, 2014
By ArisuDray GOLD, Mountain View, California
ArisuDray GOLD, Mountain View, California
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Days are passing us by and the gap
is getting farther

This world's changing, I can't deny..
An irresistible temptation before my eyes
Like the wind... I can't feel you!

Back when the day melted into night so quickly
And the next couldn't come fast enough
The temptation fell away as you faded from view
Twilight twinkled in my heart, followed by a sparkling dawn.
Nearing a setting sun,
The night that finally resonates deep within my heat
Like my hopes that grew and were dashed!

Days are passing us by and the gap
is getting farther

Your voice is gone!
Your smile, your face, I can't see!
The memories, they won't leave!

When they've left, forgotten...
So sweet and gentle, they swirled in the passing breeze
The temptation, the pain
are completely gone...

I'm sorry, but I can't reach again...
This isn't "me" searching for "help."
Those who've come before have all done the same,
it won't happen not again...

Days are passing us by and the gap
is getting farther

Yet I do hope this song will reach you
Even if it's just this melody...
My words always for you
Days are passing by... I can't remember.

The author's comments:
Ah, this is for my friend, whom I hope I never forget.
I really do miss you.

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