Fairy Tales | Teen Ink

Fairy Tales

May 7, 2014
By ArisuDray GOLD, Mountain View, California
ArisuDray GOLD, Mountain View, California
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Every day I look up into the sky
and see the clouds roll by
As if nothing's happened
I've learned the world's a harsh place
And you have to fight to stay alive

Who's ever heard of a heroine all alone, falling into doubt?
In the fairytales I've heard,
You're always saved by your knight and hope soars free
Where everyone has a happy ending and sky remains
Bright forever...

All my life,
I've been waiting
for that to come!

But now with my dreams crushed,
I open my eyes to reality!
I'll come back from this, I swear
I'll live my own fairy tale!
We're just characters in a story called My Life
Everything happens for a reason!
We can choose to fight or let it all go...

All my life,
I've been waiting
For that to come!

Right here, I swear
As I sing this song,
I'll choose the way that's right and win the game!
I'll break free to live my life!

All my life,
I've finally found it now

The author's comments:
I don't know.
Song lyrics are kind of... like poems but different...
This is my vow. Yay.

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