Tunnel Vision | Teen Ink

Tunnel Vision

May 14, 2014
By Anonymous

She had the world at her fingertips
And cherry gloss on her lips
You would've thought she was easy

She had the face of a movie scene
Flawlessly, know what I mean
You gotta tell me I'm wrong

And so he walked down the hallway
And he saw her standing there
He thought it would be easier
Until she turned around and all he had was
Tunnel vision

He had tunnel vision

All the boys had to have her
And all the girls needed love from her
And all the world craved a piece of her
They all did

Even her mother envied her
And her father thought of her
He thought of what he'd done to her
In the night
In the night
In the night
In the night

But this boy was different
He loved her for who she was
All he wanted was to hold her
And tell her she was the one who gave him

Tunnel vision
She gave him tunnel vision and he never wants to go back

She's all he needs
She's all he sees
He's all she needs
But she doesn't see
She ain't got tunnel vision
She made the bad decision
She went off in the night
With a boy who wasn't right
Then she's gone

He's still got tunnel vision
While he lays there by her bed
Of flowers
His back up against the head
Of the tombstone
Engraved in it that he read
"Dearly loved"

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