Over you. | Teen Ink

Over you.

April 23, 2014
By Dixie.77 BRONZE, Edinburg, Virginia
Dixie.77 BRONZE, Edinburg, Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Going back to an old realationship is like rereading an old book, you know how it already ends. Why would you wanna relive?

I was sipping down a slide,
I did enjoy the ride,
If you came around and asked me how I been,
I would laugh and say way better with off you.
It’s a shame, that everytime you my here
my name you can’t think
It’s sad that you can’t stop thinking about what had
Look at her do you like what you see?
It’s just to bad, you already had the best days of your life.
Does she know about the days about the rings?
About the house?
I heard she ran her mouth about me,
You told her to shut up.
I thought you didn’t want what’s that?
Well, I’ve been told y’all gonna get married
Have a nice little family.
But sweetheart.
I’ve been told
A cheater
It’s a shame
That you cheated one me.
Cause deep down in side you knew.
You still know deep down inside today.
You had the best days of your life with me.
No doubt in my mind.

The author's comments:
I dated this guy for a good while. I loved him more then anything. No matter where I went I couldn't stop thinking about him. The reason why I made this is because this happened. Word for word, I looked him in the eye and said goodbye. He has no power over me anymore. So glad I can say that.

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