Walls | Teen Ink


March 30, 2014
By E.N.Baer BRONZE, Apple Creek, Ohio
E.N.Baer BRONZE, Apple Creek, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You came to me
And showed me love;
A love I've never seen,
It broke down my walls
And frightened me.
I'm stumbling now,
Not sure what to do;
Those walls were my only protection.

If I let you inside
Will you be my guardian?
If I let you hear my story
Will you understand?
I trusted once and burned for it.
Give me a reason to trust again.
If I trust you will you keep my heart safe,
Or will it broken once again?

My defences
Are crumbling.
My heart begins to beat.
I'm breathing now
But I'm afraid
You'll steal all my love.
I want to trust,
But experience shows
Betrayal alway happens
I have these doubts
Confirm or lay them to rest

I'll trust you if you keep my heart safe
I'll let you in if you give me a reason
I know that I am ice cold
I know that I'm unfriendly
But give me a reason and I'll be
Forever trusting

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