In Faith And Belief | Teen Ink

In Faith And Belief

March 21, 2014
By Seeds BRONZE, St Louis, Missouri
Seeds BRONZE, St Louis, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The night can only last so long until the sun rises"-Isaiah Vander Maas

In faith and belief
I will follow
You are my mountain
My steadfast groom
You give me relief
When my heart is hollow
You are my fountain
My infinite broom

Who knows the face of the Lord?
He calms my distressed soul
What faithful wounds he bears for me
To make me whole
You planted me in the ground
A helpless little seed
And your rain poured down
To water me

You are the reason
For the life I live
I was lost
And had no money
And the change of the season
What hope you give
You paid the cost
With love sweet as honey

I will hope in the willow
Through the eyes of the poor
Let it wither
My arrogant pride
My comforting pillow
My boundless door
Bring me hither
I am your bride

From the womb
You were my leaven
I will hope in your blood
And your promise alone
To the tomb
In the light of heaven
In the overwhelming flood
My fears you atone

The author's comments:
What inspired me to write this piece was my adoptive family. My adoptive family taught me that you don't have to be blood related to love each other, in the end all you need to have in common is the belief that no matter what, love is what holds a family together.

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