A dysFUNCtionAl X-MAS | Teen Ink

A dysFUNCtionAl X-MAS

February 10, 2014
By Mauro Santana BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Mauro Santana BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The holidays are all about happiness
Around this time families don't show their sloppiness
Some people stay in their bed
Others lay in their shed
Normal people celebrate
Even with their mother-in-law which they truly hate
Then comes in the son looking for his ointment
The father's biggest disapointment
Everyone huddled near the fire
The dad said he'll be gone in an hour
To go change a tire
The son jumped up and said "What a liar!"
The dad told him to can it
The mom said "I've had it!"
She filed a divorce
She took his damn horse
The dad was left with nothing
But he had eggnog
Atleast he had something

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