Unlike Me | Teen Ink

Unlike Me

January 6, 2014
By Clerds BRONZE, Geneva, Georgia
Clerds BRONZE, Geneva, Georgia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
People say I'm weird, because I talk to trees and animals. That's okay, though - I have more fun than most people. - Bob Ross

You have no idea how much it hurts
To know that you're thinking of her.
I can't be pretty like her or witty like her. No, I can't be anything.
She's practically the girl of your dreams.
I can't be funny like her or happy like her. No, I can't be anything.
Because she is just so perfect.
Unlike me.
She doesn't care about what you say.
And I've always been by your side.
I make you laugh every day.
While she makes you fantasize.
You have no idea how much it hurts
To hear you talk about her.
While somewhere deep inside of me, I have a shred of hope;
And slowly, it dies.
I cry for you. I vie for you. You know that I would die for you. I'd give my worthless life for you.
And I know that she wouldn't try.
But I can't be pretty like her, or happy like her. No, I can't be anything.
She's practically the girl of your dreams.
I can't be funny like her, or witty like her. No, I can't be anything.
Because she is just so perfect.
Unlike me.

The author's comments:
My best friend is in love with another one of our friends. One that's prettier, funnier, happier, nicer, and better than me in every way. This is for him.

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