Child Abuse | Teen Ink

Child Abuse

December 18, 2013
By nada_dallah BRONZE, Paolo Alto, California
nada_dallah BRONZE, Paolo Alto, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace.

There I am sitting in front of a mirror
Looking at myself with eyes wide of terror
My friends are all out to play and have fun
Even some at the beach enjoying the sun

While here a little girl all alone at home
Days in this deserted house I sit I roam
Where are my parents I dare myself to say ?
Why have they left me helpless this way

Suddenly my mommy appears looking mad
Is it my fault? Have I done something bad ?
She screams she says awful things I can’t repeat
She grabs me abruptly from my comfy seat

Her eyes are scary it’s like there red
What is wrong? Is she tucking me to bed ?
She laughs and laughs a drink in her hand
She throws me in the air harmfully I land

She hits me numerous times acting vein
Does she not know that this causes me pain ?
She holds me roughly and pulls my hair
This is too much for a child to bare.

Scared I close my eyes I try to breathe
I must have faith in her and believe
She leaves the house and closes the door
There I lie on the cold dirty floor

Hours and hours I stay just like that
Looking like a little frightened cat
Then from the door I hear a knock
Hoping it’s an angel I go to unlock

My daddy stand there smiling at me
The light at the end of the tunnel I see
But wait he's eying me in a weird way
My sun is again fading away

'Darling don’t u see it’s so very hot
If u don't undress you’re gonna rot '
So he harshly removes all of my clothes
And ruins petal by petal his little rose

I scream I shout I'm terrified
Why do others have God by their side ?
While I'm served to monsters on a plate
I try to call for help but its too late

He touches me from head to toe
I'm trying so hard to shout out no
His hand are all over my bare body
Please help me ! Anybody !

With so much effort I try to escape
From what they call torture , rape
As hard as I can I push him and run
He calls out :' where you going hun ? '

Faster and faster I fly like light
Suffocating I'm in such a fright
I'm so tired and feeling dizzy
Why don’t they care about their little lizzy ?

I finally make it to my goal
Relaxing trying to heal my soul
I open the door my room I greet
Carefully I take a seat

And there I am sitting in front of a mirror
Looking myself with eyes wide of terror
For may God save me from this child misuse
For may God save me from CHILD ABUSE

The author's comments:
I wrote this when I was 12 but never thought to share with anyone. Let me know what you think! I'd love for you you to comment

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