All I Know | Teen Ink

All I Know

December 18, 2013
By PassionateWriter18 BRONZE, Preston, Connecticut
PassionateWriter18 BRONZE, Preston, Connecticut
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.

Why is it so hard to open up your heart to me
I can see it in you're eyes
Don't you see it in mine
Can't you see I'm falling like the stars for you

I'm falling fast and hard don't know why you do this to me
When I'm around you I can't think
And when you're not around My heads up in the clouds thinking about you

All I know is that I
Can't get you out of my head
Can't get you off my mind
Every where I look I see you
Why do you do this to me
Never felt this way before you came along

Can't explain what I feel inside
All I know is that you're on my mind all the time
Don't know how to tell you how I feel
Cause I'm afraid you don't feel the same

All I feel is that I
Can't get you out of my head
Can't get you off my mind
And when I think about you all I feel is numb
Why do you do this to me
Never felt this way before you came along

You're my daydream
You make me feel like flying
And all I know is that I

Can't get you out of my head
Can't get you off my mind
And when I think about you all I feel is numb
Everywhere I look I see you
How do you do this to me
I never felt this way before you came along
Before you came along

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