Fighting the Tides, Staying Aloat | Teen Ink

Fighting the Tides, Staying Aloat

December 3, 2013
By Tilliedelaney BRONZE, Chiloquin, Oregon
Tilliedelaney BRONZE, Chiloquin, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&ldquo;I demolish my bridges behind me&hellip; then there is no choice but to move forward.&rdquo;<br /> &mdash; Fridtjof Nansen

They're playing our song
Wind chimes they hum along
The wind roams the earth
What a lost soul;
Looking for the other part
Of the missing heart
I will see you in a dream
Or nightmare.
Those lines begin to blend
And in the end
It's just me

The anchor on the wrist Commences to slip Staying strong, but in the end It tugs as well as pulls Plummeted down to the bottom To commence again, a new I will zealously be strong For you

The ship begins to sink as the tide rolls in
Crashing symbols
Embark the journey
Of this ratchet life
Life in hand, as small as a thimble
I refuse to sink along with the ship
Along with the crew
Lie the body to rest
Begin a new

The anchor on my wrist
Begins to slip
"Stay Strong", however, in the end
It just starts again
Pulls me down to the ship
Dreading for a new
I promise will be strong
For you

The anchor commences to pull me plummeted down Into the sea Into the gallant sea Swallowing me whole Into the dark I commence to implode The scars of my anchor still remain To this diurnal course They, who didn't smell the fire burning, will stay the same As well as forever I will wear my anchor

The anchor on my feet Commences to pull deep To the crew And I begin to curiously peer for you But, However,in the end I will zealously be strong For you

The author's comments:
This piece is about my internal struggles, me fighting with my demons, the struggle to keep my head above water; but most importantly, this is a piece about not letting all that drag me down, nor it should for anyone else.

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