A Legend | Teen Ink

A Legend

November 6, 2013
By WillTostevin BRONZE, Laurinburg, North Carolina
WillTostevin BRONZE, Laurinburg, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When he played he made every shot.
Going up and down the court,
He could not be stopped.
Basketball was no doubt his sport.

He was definitely a great athlete
His game was like no other.
His style was unique.
There will never be another.

He was undoubtedly the best.
Even though he didn’t make his high school team,
He loved competition, anyone to put him to the test.
He lived the dream.

Once he retired the greatest player was lost.
He made everyone see,
He brought other players exhaust.
He is the one and only number twenty-three.

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