Undenied Tolerance | Teen Ink

Undenied Tolerance

October 28, 2013
By nAIMLESS BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
nAIMLESS BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Discriminate the slightly different
One thought taken in a different direction
But you can’t stand the thought
Of another power beside you, ideals of bringing a new correction

Cleanse the culture of unidentified creatures
Contort them in the darkness
Persuade your nation to follow
Disrespect to every carcass
Convince them of to eliminate the vial, sinful hunger
Sheep in a herd are lined up without wonder
Fearful traits mistake a difference from contamination
Gathering the lies
Take a spiteful thought and plan the process of elimination
See the fearful eyes

Spilling blood
Price of living, divine torture
Strip the bones of flesh

Killing love
Ripping open organs in the soul
Feeding humans to the partial whole

Breath in the fumes that melt defining propaganda
Disintegrating what is left, now all there is is sorrow
They understand that you are merely another piece to their game
But the game cannot be won

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