Days Of Yesterday | Teen Ink

Days Of Yesterday

October 24, 2013
By Anonymous

I’m carrying the burden of this secret storm.
Everywhere I go,
seems like this is the new norm.
Every day,
getting up,
getting dressed,
I’m living with,
this regret.
There are days,
I wanna get away,
from the words,
that you say,
and in my heart,
they’re forever spoken.
Can we go back to those,
summer days,
days of yesterday.
When we talked,
got along,
laughed a lot,
and never fought.
I find myself wishing things had never changed,
as I wake with tears in my eyes.
I’m sure it comes,
as no surprise,
that isn’t how I meant to draw a crowd.
I been trying for months,
to say aloud,
I wanna be,
like we were,
in the days of yesterday.
I keep the pain,
hidden away.
hide the scars,
so you think I’m ok.
So here’s to you,
and the s*** you put me through.
I have a dream...
to be happy,
like I was,
in the days of yesterday.

The author's comments:
Just wrote what I felt in my heart.

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