Hollow | Teen Ink


October 22, 2013
By evallsopp BRONZE, Natick, Massachusetts
evallsopp BRONZE, Natick, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Head out the window again
We're hollow like the bottles that we drink
Confusion playing with lust
a never ending game.
Cold air fills my lungs and the lights of the tunnel flash over my face
we speed through the city
I love these roads where the buildings don't change
And we can talk like there's something to say.
You drape your wrists over the steering wheel,
I think our pulses can drive from here
We might be hollow, but we are brave

The author's comments:
The song 400 lux by Lorde, is such a simple song about a girl getting dropped off by a boy, and inspired me to write about my own "expereiences."

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