white rice | Teen Ink

white rice

October 20, 2013
By jaridw BRONZE, Cornelius, Oregon
jaridw BRONZE, Cornelius, Oregon
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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there's only two genius's in this world the government and corporation think about them and the rest is history.

free chance to let you know its the most thing that I like to boast like a chain brung up from the name not the other side the side of witch I lived on the ghetto solid stance and I was in like a cobra to a tiger a stance of a battle a sting of a warrior but not to the cobra who always loved them so the honest man that would save them from the so dreadfully path they have taken from a new worker to a bees work I give the chance to take on my spell anew dreadful spell to let you know its well like a bird I told you so

The author's comments:
non sense

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