"Don't Wanna Forget" | Teen Ink

"Don't Wanna Forget"

October 17, 2013
By Megan McCormick BRONZE, Temperance, Michigan
Megan McCormick BRONZE, Temperance, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Pick me up
On a summer day
Tell me what you didn't say
Don't act like we're strangers at all
Because we're not if you dare to fall

Let's go downtown and tell everybody
Let's dance til the sky isn't blue
Get all my friends and get yours, too
You be carefree and I'll wear a dress
You be someone I don't wanna forget

Walk with me
Under city lights
The stars aren't out cause you shine so bright
Don't hold back just follow your feet
Don't need an excuse to get what you need

Let's go downtown and tell everybody
Let's dance til the sky isn't blue
Get all my friends and get yours, too
You be carefree and I'll wear a dress
You be someone I don't wanna forget

And one day you'll find
The right things in time
But right now just let go
Of everything you know

Let's go downtown and tell everybody
Let's dance til the sky isn't blue
Get all my friends and get yours, too
You be carefree and I'll wear a dress
You be someone I don't wanna forget

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