let go | Teen Ink

let go

October 11, 2013
By jaridw BRONZE, Cornelius, Oregon
jaridw BRONZE, Cornelius, Oregon
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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there's only two genius's in this world the government and corporation think about them and the rest is history.

I was once on a train headed for the pushing never let go im on the pushing never tried to let it go im on forth for the pushing never gonna let it go im up and away for the pushing stalled at the glance of the sparkle of chance that I was once a bird here to come from the land that I was born from never to let go but for the pushing I never gave it a chance but for the pushing I let go having no words to spend in my time for the words they told me so I was destined for a wall of greatness I had it all but now im gone with the pushing I was told to never let go I heard it so but for the pushing let go to never let go to never let go I was in for the pushing to never let go I never let go even in the pushing I heard the winds speak of verbs that told me so to keep on going so I heard it all come away now im done for the pushing and now im letting go never telling so I never told so and now im done forth to come to never let go I heard it all don't let go you son of a b**** you heard it all so tell me all I had it all now im in it for the last stance of greatness that never let me go so spend your days telling me so I never let go yes I never let go so tell me once before that I never had it before I had it all so never let me have any of it at all

The author's comments:
just a song from the heart

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