No Point | Teen Ink

No Point

September 26, 2013
By Kay Foster BRONZE, Goodyear, Arizona
Kay Foster BRONZE, Goodyear, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Don't want to hear your sad song
I don't want to hear you cry
I left you, and you know the reason why
So goodbye, goodbye!

You left me standing there
Out in the cold where
They took a knife and stabbed while you just watched and stared
So why do I keep coming back?
If you just keep losing track

I thought are love stood clear
But you lost me
I'm so confused on why you don't see
Why we were meant to be.

But I guess I give up my only hope
You just left me as though it were a joke, a joke a joke!

You treat me just like an enemy
So why do you still cradle me?
I'm stuck on your damn string
Still feeling your words sting

The author's comments:
Ehh it probably sucks since I didn't put in much thought

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