Haley's Song | Teen Ink

Haley's Song

September 6, 2013
By Lyndsey.ChaypinShae.Linny BRONZE, Neosho, Missouri
Lyndsey.ChaypinShae.Linny BRONZE, Neosho, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
When it comes to picture day, wing it.<br /> -Me-

[Verse 1]
She’s just eleven years old walkin’ ‘round while people stare,
She still seems very happy, Even though were all starin’,
We can’t help but notice- She looks
Different on the outside.
But she’s the same on the inside, we all know how it turns out.
So I sing-
Haley had nothing but she was
Holdin’ and she was
Bein’ strong.
But I couldn’t even see the strength of this little girl,
Now she’s out of this world---
[Verse 2]
She’s got a story that can brighten your day,
Turn it- upside down, make you smile and say
“Your very strong and its nice to know somebody
That’ll make you smile when you feel like frowning.
You’re the (Only one) that’s got a story so deep it makes me wanna shed a tear.
[Quick Hook along with verse]
but that’s why I keep singing.
Haley had nothing but she was
Holdin’ and she was
Bein’ strong.
But I couldn’t even see the strength of this little girl,
Now she’s out of this world---
Now I realize, Yes I realize.
If life isn’t Easy for us,
Imagine what it’s like for this little girl-
She was livin’ on hope- She was a diamond in the rough----
Now in heaven
And out of this world.
[Change up chorus]
Now, Haley has everything.
No more- Holdin’ on. She was- very strong.
Oh. Haley has

The author's comments:
I was good friends with an 11 year old named Haley but she ended up passing because of cancer.

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