Sea Monsters | Teen Ink

Sea Monsters

September 10, 2013
By Walladak BRONZE, Hartford, Wisconsin
Walladak BRONZE, Hartford, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Well that escalated quickly

In the dark of the night i see that me ship is floating, the sails move slowly
and i look to see you sailing, to watch you love life just like a baby
but your're gone, you sailed to far and now the lighthouse is fading you haven is dated

Even though you bodies gone
your spirit makes me long
for those ocean waves that carried you away

I watch for a sign that your back and your journey is over, the sea moves slower
and i think that you'd never leave me, that your boat would always sail back to me
and i wish that my ship could follow but our currents split and i feel so hollow

In the dark of the night i see that me ship is floating, the sails move slowly
and i look to see you sailing, to watch you love life just like a baby

The author's comments:
I wrote this song for my girlfriend jessie blodgett, who was murdered by a friend. It was how i tried to exhale all the feelings that were destroying me

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